Donate Today
Your Donations Help Us Accomplish Our Mission
Fine art is important to the cultural life of a community. In many ways, it is the soul of a place. The mission of Gallery 1516 is to provide a venue for regional artists to exhibit their work at no charge to the artist. We are not a gallery in the traditional sense; we collaborate with the Museum of Nebraska Art (MONA) and other regional museums and galleries to present traveling exhibitions and educational lectures in eastern Nebraska. We also support the arts through the organization, management and implementation of fund-raising activities.
Your donation will help Gallery 1516 fund programs, partnerships and collaborations with museums, artists, writers, musicians, and literary organizations from across the state. We are enthusiastic about the response Gallery 1516 has received since opening in October 2015 with events scheduled through through 2020 and beyond with the following organizations:
Museum of Nebraska Art (MONA), Nebraska Chapter of the American Institute of Architects (AIA), Omaha Chamber Music Society, UNO Music Department, UNO Fine Arts Department, Opera Omaha, Letter Arts Alliance, Nebraska State Historical Society, Omaha Public Schools Scholastic Art Awards, Omaha Creative Institute, Backwaters Press, Gibraltar Editions, Nebraska Literary Society, The Willa Cather Foundation, The Stalder Gallery, The Great Plains Theatre Conference, and Nebraska Shakespeare Company.
Your support will help us reach our goal and continue to provide a facility dedicated to the arts for the enrichment of Nebraska.
Gallery 1516 Donors
$50,000 Plus
The Holland Foundation
Richard Brooke Foundation
Karen & Patrick Drickey
The Sherwood Foundation
$25,000 - $50,000
Douglas County
$10,000 - $25,000
Gilbert M. & Martha H. Hitchcock Foundation
Steve Martin & Amy Haddad
Jane Potter & Dan Schafer
Omaha Community Foundation
Fred & Eve Simon Foundation
Friends of Gallery 1516
Peter Kiewit Foundation
$5000 - $10,000
Tim & Kathryn Eller
LeAnne Baker & Mike Hill
$2500 - $5000
Kristina Burns MD
Hugh & Jane Hunt
Nancy & Steve Johnson
Paul & Annette Smith
Brady Gibson
Karen & James Linder
Bill & Jeanne Penry
Larry & Catherine Sosso
Dr. Judy Stoewe
Judy & Jim Wigton
Mogens & Cindy Bay
Mary Lou & Mark Brassee
Larry Carlson
Willa Cather Foundation
Janet Farber & Mike Krainak
Whitney & Mary Ferer
Robyn & Bob Freeman
Joan Gibson
Ree & Jun Kaneko
Mary & Rodrigo Lopez
Ann Pape
Jeanne & Bill Penry
Ann & Ken Stinson
Catherine & Larry Sosso
Jeanne Jaroch & John Thein
Monte & Duane Thompson
Ann Thorne Weaver
Allan & Dorothy Tubach
$500 - $1000
Bob Benzel & Gerry Sullivan
Roger Blauwet
Rebecca & Dan Boylan
Brownville Fine Arts
Dawn & Doug Buchanan
Melissa & James Crawford
Chip & Debbie Cunningham
Kim Dinsdale
Kristy & Rick Dooling
Bonnie & George Douglas
Meredith Fuller & Jim Luyten
Michelle & Charles Gifford
Norma Hilt
Cookie & Jerry Hoberman
Jayne Hutton
Mary & Tom Kerr
Merlyn Knudson DVM
Joan & Marc Kraft
Shirley & Dan Neary
Stephanie O’Keefe
Susan & Jim Pine
Jane & Thompson Rogers
Jeanne & Pat Salerno
Polina & Bob Schlott
Tom & Jeanne Sitzman
Karyn & Doug Smith
Judy & Mike Thiesing
Ann & Jim Vakoc
Pat & Judd Wagner
Judy & Jim Wigton
Mary & John K Wilson
Kim Wyllie
Kristae & Pete Zandbergen
$100 - $500
Linda Matson Anderson
Tanin Arkfeld
Jean Ann Ballinger & Ward Peters
Shelly Bartek
Tom Bartek
Kenneth Be
Ann & Ken Bird
My Boes
Bob Bosco
Beth & Gary Bowen
Barb Braden MD
Linda Cheatham
Melanie & Fred Clark
Eunie & Norm Denneberg
John & Carol Dennison
Kevin Duggan
Deanne & Bill Fairfield
Catherine & Terry Ferguson
Maria Fernandez
Lowell Fey
Mary Grabow
Julie Hamann
Melanie & David Hecker
Tami & Jerry Hellman
Hal Holoun
Annette & Steve Huff
Bev & Bill Karrer
Vicki & Dave Krecek
Tom & Mary Kuhlman
Kami Kuhlman
John Lawton
Marian Leary
Deb & Scott Love
Mammel Foundation
Nancy Milder-Lazer
Nano & Doug Little
Nancy & Mike McCarthy
Zaiga Moriarty
Morris E. Mortensen
Deborah Murphy
Catherine & Terry Ferguson
Kimberly Overton
Mary Oshner
Jennifer Pospichal
Rozely & Ron Penzkowski
Linda Rajcevich
Diana Rieschick
Judy & Larry Roots
Barbara Schlott
Polina & Bob Schlott
Laura & Bill Shiffermiller
Laurie Smith-Camp
Merle Stalder
Ardith & Tim Starostha
Margeret Tempero
Abby Tipton
Brian Wetjen
Jan Chism Wright
Denise Marie Yount
Mary & Kirby Zicafoose
In Kind Contributions
BVH Architects
John Dennison
Nancy & Steve Johnson
Morris E. Mortensen
Olson/Kundig Architecture
Brian & Kathy Scholl Adventure Studios
Ronco Construction
Jennifer & Ryan Barry
Kenneth Be
Kathy & Ross Bellinghiere
Stephen Bellows
Elisa Benn
Roger Blauwet
My Boes
Amy Bones
Bob Bosco
Elizabeth Boutin
Tina Broekemeier
Suzanne Braddock
Joe Broghammer
Djel & Paul Brown
Rebecca & Dan Boylan
Kathryn & Wm Bucy
Eddith Buis
James Canedy
Mark Chickinelli
James Chinn
Jan Chism-Wright
Cynthia Cockle
Beth Cole
Margaret & Stephen Cook
Meri & Ron Crampton
Naomi Craven
Mary & Bob Culver
Mary Davey
Drew & Elisa Davies
Sally & Steven DeLair
Eunice & Norm Deneberg
Sandra Douglas
Paul Evans
Janet Farber
Anne & Mike Fenner
Marian Fey
Joan Field
Coleen & Jim Fogarty
Betty Foster
Robyn & Bob Freeman
Bill Ganzel
Denice & Terry Hager
Mary Halbur
Amy Haney
Joyce Hansen
David Harding
Julie Hasz
Kathy & Steve Hayes
Heidi Hermanson
Tim Higgins
Shari Hofshire
Jeni & Steve Homan
Bob Hoppe & Jon Hall
Annette Huff
Jeanne Jaroch & John Thein
Joffe-Bouska Marcia
Dr. Michael Jones
Deborah Kaplan
Audrey & Richard Kauders
Sara Kay
Ruth Keene
Merle Knudsen
David Krecek
JJ Kubat
Kami Kuhlman
Mary Kuhlman
Lou & Pat Lamberty
Faith Larson-Louis
Kris Lausterer
John Lawton
Thomas Lickert
Nano & Doug Little
Deb Love
Nicole & Kyle Malone
Bob Mathews
Melissa Marvin
Josie Metal Corbin
Carren & Tice Miller
Betty Morar
Zaiga Moriarty
Yana Morgan
Robert Mundy
Dennis & Deborah Murphy
Mary Murphy
Laura Lee Needleman
Mary Murphy
Laura Lee Needleman
Kristi Nohavec
Mary & Bill Ochsner
David O’Hanlon
Gwendolyn Olney
Maggi & Bob Otis
Barb & Bob Peters
Nancy & Merle Peterson
Jason Plog
Kristen Pluhacek
Jennifer & Bill Pospichal
Michelle & Chad Ueding
Linda & John Rebrovic
Carlos Rodriguez-Sierra
Wallace Rohrschneider
Judy & Larry Roots
Kelly Rosburg
Amy Rouse
Jeanne & Pat Salerno
Erin Sample
Donna Schatz
Karen Schnepf
Jeff Schweid
Sarah & Adam Shaver
Sue Shipley
Youngi Sohn
Sandi Stewart
Kathleen Steinke
Wm Steinke
Ginger Talbot
Beverly Todd
Susan & Jim Tracy
Deborah Trivitt
Anne Trimble
Allan & Dorothy Tubach
Kathy & John Walburn
Paula Wallace
Anne & Pat Walsh
David White
James Williams
Roger Weitz
Suzanne Wise
Bart Vargas